miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Conditional one (11th)

Hi dear students,

Here is the link to work on. 


Have a nice day. 

Take care. 

 Viviana Pongutá 

martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

When and while exercises (9th grade)

Hi dear students. 

Here is the link to work on: 


Have a nice evening. Blessings. 



Viviana Pongutá E. 

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

Exercises with gerund: Like, interested in, enjoy (10th grade)

Good morning dear students, 

Here is the link to work on. Don't forget to copy it in your notebook. 


Bye, take care. 

Viviana Pongutá E. 

martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

Reading comprehension past continue (9th grade)


Last month I was on holiday in Ireland with my mum and dad. One day, we were driving through a small village. It was time for lunch, so we stopped at a restaurant .
It was a large , old builiding. We looked through the window. There were lots of people in the restaurant. They were eating , drinking and chatting . A musician was playing the violin. But there was something strange about the people . They weren't wearing normal , modern clothes. They were wearing hats, jackets and dresses from another century . We couldn't understand it. But we were hungry , so we opened the door .
When we went into the restaurant, everything was different. The people were wearing normal clothes. The musician wasn't there- the music was on CD. It was a very strange experience !


2- Now copy these questions in a new file and answer them .

1- Who was Daniel on holiday with ?
2- Why did they stopa at a restaurant ?
3- What were the people in the restaurant doing ?
4- What instrument was the musician playing ?
5- What was strange about their clothes?
6- When they went into the restaurant, did they see the musician ?

martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

Past Continue (Reading comprehension)

Hi dear students, here is the text, read and complete with the verbs

Complete what Jenny says using the following verbs in the Past Continuous: 

Watch- Listen- Sing-Clean-Cook- Play- Lie

Jenny is telling her teacher why she couldn't study for an exam. It was impossible for me to concentrate! I went to my bedroom and my mother _________________________ the carpet with the vacuum cleaner. Then I went to the living room but my brother Paul _______________________ on the sofa. He ____________ his guitar. After that I decided to go to the kitchen. There, my grandmother _________________________ and she ___________ also ____________________ TV. Finally, I went out to the garden where I found my sister. She __________________ to her Walkman and she ___________________ at the top of her voice.

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2016

Past Continue yes/no questions (9th)

Hi dear students here is the link to work on the questions in past continue, 


Have a nice weekend. 


Teacher. Viviana Pongutá E. 

martes, 2 de agosto de 2016