lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018

Present continuous exercises (7th grade)

Hi dear students.

Here are the links to work on the present continuous:

Have a beautiful day,


Viviana Pongutá

Passive voice exercises ( 11th grade)

Hi dear students

Here are the links to practice th passive voice,

Have a beautiful day.


Teacher, Viviana Pongutá

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018

Recuperación sèptimo segundo corte (7th grade)

Hi dear students.

Publico la recuperación de segundo periodo para quienes aún no la han realizado, esta recuperación también está en la papeleria la  bendición. Bye, take care.

Quiz simple present (7th grade)

Hi dear students,

Here is the link to work in this recess week, solve it and write the answers in your notebook.

Have a beatutiful week



Viviana Pongutà Esparza

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

Exercises conditionals 1 and 2 ( 11th grade)

Hi dear students,

Here is the link to work  conditional 1 and 2, solve and copy ALL the examples in your notebook.

Happy weekend.


Teacher, Viviana Pongutá ;)

domingo, 29 de julio de 2018

Reading ICFES 9 part 1 (11th grade)

Hi dear students.

Here are the images to work on the part 1 of the ICFES exam.

Material taken from cuadernillo saber 11 provided by Icfes for students.

Conditional 2 exercises (11th grade)

Hi dear students,

here is the link to practice the conditional two, solve them in your notebook.

Have a nice day,


teacher Viviana

jueves, 26 de julio de 2018

Conditional 1 exercises (11th grade)

Hi dear students.

Here is the link to work on the conditional type 1, Solve all of them on line and write 5 examples of each link in your notebook.

Have a nice day, 

Teacher Viviana P. 

this exercises are taken from the web, they don't have any commercial or economical pourposes, just educative aids

lunes, 23 de julio de 2018

domingo, 22 de julio de 2018

My routine (7th grade)

Hi dear students, here is the link to work on routines vocabulary, solve it and write 5 examples in your notebook.


Happy day,

Tecaher, Viviana P.

Reading Icfes 8 (11th grade) Part 2

Hi dear students

These brief exercises are related to the part two of Icfes exam, analyse each answer. Write the answer in your notebook.  Bye, happy day :)

Teacher: Viviana Pongutá

miércoles, 4 de julio de 2018

Recovery activity second term ( 11th grade)

Hi dear students

Here is the document to do the recovery activity


Have a beautiful day


Viviana Pongutá

martes, 19 de junio de 2018

Reading on vacation (7th grade)

Hi dear students, here are the links to study during this vacation. Write 5 examples of each link in your notebook. See the video and copy the places in your notebook. 

Happy vacations.

Bye, teacher, Viviana Pongutà :)

Reading Icfes on vacation (11th grade)

Hi dear students,

Here are the readings for vacations, write the texts and answers in your notebook, don't forget to create a brief glosary.

Have a great vacations,

teacher, Viviana Pongutà E.

viernes, 8 de junio de 2018

lunes, 4 de junio de 2018

Icfes Reading 6 (11th grade students)

Hi dear students,

Here is the reading for practice, write the text in your notebook, then answer the questions. Don't forget to take enough time and do it honestly.

Information taken From: file:///C:/Users/Viviana/Downloads/Guia%20de%20orientacion%20modulo%20de%20ingles%20saber%20pro%202016%202%20(2).pdf

Have a beautiful day.

Bye, Teacher Viviana Pongutá Esparza

sábado, 2 de junio de 2018

Reading Exercise ( 7th grade)

Hi dear students. Here is the text  to read. Write The text in your notebook and answer the questions.


Angol (in Mapudungun means” subir a gatas”) is located in the South in Chile. It is the capital city of the Malleco Province. Its population is about 60.000 people. It is in the ninth region.  Angol is called “The city of the flowers” because there are lots of parks with flowers and gardens. Also, there are banks, schools, stores, and around the city you can find beautiful places to visit. Some of them are: Plaza de Armas “Siete Fundaciones”, Canteras de Deuco, Piedra del Aguila in the Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta,  rivers,  hills, etc. In Summer time there is an important folk song festival called “Brotes de Chile”. Angol is a peaceful city, and many people choose to visit because they can practice sports such as: Cycling, Swimming, Climbing, etc.

I Read the statements and write T (true) or F(false) according to the text.

a._____ Angol in the southern part in Chile.
b._____ In Angol people can practice sports such as:  Swimming, Cycling, etc.
c._____ In Summer time the festival is about pop songs.
d._____ Angol is a quite place.
e._____ In Angol there aren’t many parks.
II Complete the chart with the information from the text.

Answer The questions

I Did you like the text?  Why/ Why not.
Name other places to visit in the Ninth region.

Reading taken from
Busy teacher. Thanks

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018

Present Perfect Exercises ( 11th grade)

Hi dear students,

here is the link to practice present perfect tense.

Have anice day,



Viviana Pongutá Esparza :)

viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018

Time expressions present perfect ( 11th grade)

Hi dear students,

Here are the links to practice the time expressions. Be honest and dedicate enough time for the exercise.



have a nice day,


Teacher Viviana Pongutà :) :) :)


Hi dear students,

here is the reading for ICFES, remember that is very important to do it honestly and dedicate enough time, write the text and answers in your notebook.

have an amazing weekend. :) :) :)

Take care,

Teacher, Viviana Pongutá Esparza

martes, 22 de mayo de 2018

Giving Directions Map (7th grade)

Good Morning dear students, look at the map and answer the questions, giving the correct direction.

1. Where is the Hospital?

2. Where is the Italian Restaurant?

3. Where is the supermarket?

Taken from: blog de teacherraf and


Take care,

Viviana Pongutá Esparza

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018

There is and there are ( 7th grade)

Hi dear students.

Here is the exercise of there is and there are, write the negative form of the sentences.

Bye, take care please.


Viviana Pongutá :)

Reading ICFES 4 (11th garde) Trip to Colombia

Hi dear students :) , here is the link to do the reading practice.

Have a nice day,


Viviana Pongutá

Information taken from:

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2018

Giving Directions Exercise (7th Grade)

Hi dear students.

Here is the link to Work on giving Directions. Write The answers in your notebook.

Have a beautiful day.


Teacher Viviana Pongutá

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018

Recovery Activity first term (11th grade)

Hi dear students, here you have the exercises to recover.  please, solve them in your notebook.

Activities are taken from Thanks :)

Actividad de Recuperación primer periodo ( 7th grade)

Hi dear students.

Esta es la actividad de recuperación, por favor imprimir el archivo y resolverlo. Después debe presentar un quiz de recuperación.

Have a nice day.


Teacher, Viviana Pongutá 

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018

Reading Exercise ICFES 3 (11th grade) Janeth Experience

Hello my dear students.

Here you have the pictures of the reading three, write the text, questions and answers in your notebook.

Images taken from

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

Prepositions of place 2 (7th grade)

Hi dear students.

Here is the link  to practice the prepositions, dont forget to write some examples in your notebook.

Take care,


Teacher Viviana Pongutá

martes, 24 de abril de 2018

Present Perfect tense affirmative and negative (11th grade)

Hi dear students. 

Here you have the links to work on the affirmative and negative form of the present perfect. Don't forget to write five examples in your notebook of each link.

Have a nice day,



Viviana Pongutá :)

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2018

Review for exam (7th grade)

Hi dear students,

Here are the links to study for your final exam.


2. Solve the worksheet about pronouns.

                                                  Image taken from Busy teacher. 

Bye, take care, 


Viviana Pongutà esparza

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2018

Review for the final exam (11th grade)

Hi dear students, here is the link to study for the final exam of the first term. You have to print the exercises and present them in the final exam. (Recuerden llevar los ejercicios impresos como pre-requisito del examen).

Have a nice weekend



Viviana Pongutá E.

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018

Reading comprehension (11th grade) The Ozone hole

Hi dear students, here is the reading activity. 
Read it carefully and answer it in your notebook.
Have a nice day, 
Teacher, Viviana Pongutá :)

Taken from:

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018

Critical thinking (1103 grade)

                                                     taken from Matador

Hi dear students, based on the image write a comment, in a paragraph, use connectors and future tense. Have a beautiful Day.

Teacher, Viviana Pongutá :)

Pd. This homework is not for today is for the next class.

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2018

Critical Thinking (11th grade)

                                                         Image taken from Matador

Based on the image about corruption, write a comment using future will and going to (3 sentences with each one), giving some possible solutions to this terrible problem for our country.

Example: I am going to vote for honest people in the next elections.

Demostrative exercises 2 (7th grade)

Hi dear tudents,

Here is the link to work on:

Have a beutiful day,


Teacher Viviana Pongutá E. :)

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018

Demostratives Exercises (7TH GRADE)


Here is the link to work on the demostratives,

Have a beautiful day, 


Viviana Pongutá E.

jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018

Future going to exercises (11th grade)

Hi dear students. 

Here is the link to work on the future form "going to"

have a beautiful day,


Viviana Pongutá =)

martes, 6 de febrero de 2018

Future Will exercises (11th grade)

Hi dear students. 

Here is the link to work on the future will.

Don't forget to write the exercises on your notebook. 

Have a happy day, 

Viviana Pongutá =)

Present continuous 2 (7th grade)

Hi dear students. 

Here are the links to work the tense of present continuous.

Have a happy day,

Viviana Pongutá  =)

martes, 30 de enero de 2018