lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

Should exercises and have to (10th grade)

Hi dear students.

These are the links to practice the modal verb should and have to.

Bye, take care. 


Viviana Pongutá

martes, 14 de marzo de 2017

Conditional 1 (11th grade)

Hi dear students. 

Here is the link for working the topic of conditional 1.

Have a beautiful day. 

Teacher, Viviana Pongutà :)😊

Don't forget to write your comment- No olviden comentar 

Must exercises (10th grade)

Hi dear students. 

Here is the link to practice the exercises of Must and Mustn't

Have a beautiful night. 


Teacher Viviana Pongutà :)

Don't forget to write your comment- No olviden comentar

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

Tenses exercise (1101 y 1102)

Hi dear students. 

Here are the sentences to write in the different tenses, in order to study for the recovery quiz of tenses. 

1. Simple present: María ve televisión todos los días. 
2. Present Continuous: María y Juan están jugando en el parque ahora. 
3. Simple past: Nosotros comimos pizza la semana pasada. 
4. Present perfect: Yo he estado en mi casa desde ayer. 

Have a beautiful day. 


Viviana Pongutá Esparza
English Teacher :)

viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

Recovery activity of tenses (11th grade)

Hi dear students. 

Here is the link to recover the homework of tenses, Don't do the exercise of future, (no haga el último de futuro)

Take care, 


Viviana Pongutá Esparza :)

Past perfect tense (11th grade)

Hi dear students: 

Here is the link to practice the past perfect tense. Don't forget to write them on your notebook.

Bye, happy weekend. 

Teacher, Viviana Pongutá Esparza  :)