martes, 18 de julio de 2017

Reading comprehesion conditional 1-2 (11th grade)

Read the text carefully and answer the questions

For each of the past eight years, Janice and Kurt have spent their vacation
time at home, either working in the garden or fixing up the house. This year,
however, they are planning to spend their July vacation somewhere else.
They’ve checked the Internet for weather information about areas of the
country they might like to visit. They are really eager to travel somewhere
soon. In fact, if they had free time right now, they would take their vacation
immediately, but they can’t leave right now. They still have a couple of
months to explore their options.
So far, they have learned the following information. If they want to spend
their time near the water, they will have a hard time choosing among dozens of
outstanding beach resorts. For example, if they go to the beach in Atlantic City,
New Jersey, the air temperature will be in the mid-70s in July, and the water
temperature will be in the low 70s. That’s very appealing to them. On the
other hand, if they chose to visit Miami Beach in July, both the air and the
water temperatures would be considerably warmer, around 85 degrees. That
sounds wonderful to them, too. Janice and Kurt also like to go camping, so
vacationing in the mountains is another option. They could choose to visit
the Rocky Mountains in Colorado if they wanted cooler weather. In July, the
temperature in the mountains can range from a high of 80 degrees to a low
of 40 degrees. If they go to the Rockies, they will certainly have to plan for
this type of weather variation.
It is without a doubt a tough decision that Janice and Kurt are facing. They
wish they were able to go to all of the places they have researched. If they had
more money and more time, they would be able to do exactly that. In fact, they
would have gone to both the beach and the mountains this year if they hadn’t
recently spent so much of their savings on a new big-screen TV. They wish they
had realized this earlier!

1. Write the 8 sentencia with if...
2. What are the options of  travelling
3. What is more interesting for you, mountains or beach?

Teacher Viviana Pongutá
Take me from clear grammar book

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